
06 Aggregations

06 Aggregations
Exercise: Aggregations1.1) Read the airlines data by executing the CSN Reader node below1.2) Calculate the number of airlines by active status.1.3) Calculate the number of airlines by country.2.1) Read the airport data by executing the metanode below2.2) Calculate altitude statistics per NA timezones2.3) Create a pivot table that shows the number of cities per country and NA timezone number of airlines by active statusnumber ofairlines by countryaltitude statistics# of cities bycountry and NA timezonesairlines.csv Airports data GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Pivoting CSV Reader Exercise: Aggregations1.1) Read the airlines data by executing the CSN Reader node below1.2) Calculate the number of airlines by active status.1.3) Calculate the number of airlines by country.2.1) Read the airport data by executing the metanode below2.2) Calculate altitude statistics per NA timezones2.3) Create a pivot table that shows the number of cities per country and NA timezone number of airlines by active statusnumber ofairlines by countryaltitude statistics# of cities bycountry and NA timezonesairlines.csv Airports data GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Pivoting CSV Reader


