
Reading and Writing Practice

Your goal for this practice problem is to read in three .TSV files from the Reading and Writing Practice folder:

• PAJN.tsv

These three files contain weather observations from three weather stations in Alaska. You must use either a single CSV Reader or File Reader node to read and combine all three files into out data set within KNIME. With that done, you must then export the combined data set into a new Excel file and name the sheet where the data will reside Alaska Weather Stations.

Finally, ask yourself these three questions:
1. How many rows of data were output?
2. Does it make sense to output this data set as an Excel file? Why or why not?
3. What benefits are there in combining these files into one data set in KNIME?

You can review the solution to this problem in the workflow named Reading and Writing Solution.

Reading and Writing PracticeYour goal for this practice problem is to read in three .TSV files from the Reading and Writing Practice folder:PAJN.tsv• PAKP.tsvPAPC.tsvThese three files contain weather observations from three weather stations in Alaska. You must use either a single CSV Reader or FileReader node to read and combine all three files into out data set within KNIME. With that done, you must then export the combined data setinto a new Excel file and name the sheet where the data will reside Alaska Weather Stations.Finally, ask yourself these three questions:1. How many rows of data were output?2. Does it make sense to output this data set as an Excel file? Why or why not?3. What benefits are there in combining these files into one data set in KNIME?You can review the solution to this problem in the workflow named Reading and Writing Solution. INPUT DATA OUTPUT DATA Reading and Writing PracticeYour goal for this practice problem is to read in three .TSV files from the Reading and Writing Practice folder:PAJN.tsv• PAKP.tsvPAPC.tsvThese three files contain weather observations from three weather stations in Alaska. You must use either a single CSV Reader or FileReader node to read and combine all three files into out data set within KNIME. With that done, you must then export the combined data setinto a new Excel file and name the sheet where the data will reside Alaska Weather Stations.Finally, ask yourself these three questions:1. How many rows of data were output?2. Does it make sense to output this data set as an Excel file? Why or why not?3. What benefits are there in combining these files into one data set in KNIME?You can review the solution to this problem in the workflow named Reading and Writing Solution. INPUT DATA OUTPUT DATA


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