

Deploying a Deep Learning Model to Classify Reviews in a Database

This workflow shows how a trained deep learning model can be used to classify new movie reviews in a database.

Read and preprocess new reviews Execute trained network and threshold Read dictionary and trained network Update values in database Please execute this workflow to add new reviews to the databaseNote: The workflow below will predict the sentiment for the new reviews and will delete the new reviews from the database. The new reviews with the predictedsentiment will be written into another table in the database. Connet to databaseSelecttable withnew reviewsExecute SQLstatementRead dictionaryPredict test dataRead modelProbability topredictionWrite reviews with sentiment predictionsDeletereviewsRead new moviesConnet to databaseWrite reviews SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Reader Keras NetworkExecutor Keras NetworkReader Rule Engine DB Writer DB Delete Preprocessing Table Reader SQLite Connector DB Writer Read and preprocess new reviews Execute trained network and threshold Read dictionary and trained network Update values in database Please execute this workflow to add new reviews to the databaseNote: The workflow below will predict the sentiment for the new reviews and will delete the new reviews from the database. The new reviews with the predictedsentiment will be written into another table in the database. Connet to databaseSelecttable withnew reviewsExecute SQLstatementRead dictionaryPredict test dataRead modelProbability topredictionWrite reviews with sentiment predictionsDeletereviewsRead new moviesConnet to databaseWrite reviews SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Table Reader Keras NetworkExecutor Keras NetworkReader Rule Engine DB Writer DB Delete Preprocessing Table Reader SQLite Connector DB Writer


