
XIII - Onsite and Online Transaction

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Points to remember:My own work - Smallest # of nodes used Problem Statement:Your company keeps data related to online and onsite transactions in a tabular dataset with the following format:In this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are related to the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsitetransaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take its first 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the stringfrom the online transaction.What is the most efficient way to perform this task? For the example above, you should produce the following output column: My Learning:Nodes: Column Expression ( IF else) Node 2Node 4 Table Creator Column Expressions Points to remember:My own work - Smallest # of nodes used Problem Statement:Your company keeps data related to online and onsite transactions in a tabular dataset with the following format:In this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are related to the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsitetransaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take its first 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the stringfrom the online transaction.What is the most efficient way to perform this task? For the example above, you should produce the following output column: My Learning:Nodes: Column Expression ( IF else) Node 2Node 4 Table Creator Column Expressions


