
XI - Ticket closing

Solution of the 11th JUST KNIME IT Challenge

Points to remember:Easy one Problem Statement:Your support team would like to get some insight into the quality of their service and they ask you to analyze their support data. As a first step, they would liketo find out how the time to answer a support ticket is distributed, and what the mean of this distribution is. Help your support team by using the datasetincluded in this challenge to (1) plot this time distribution as a histogram, and to (2) calculate its mean. My Learning:Nodes: Date&Time Difference Node 2Node 5Node 16 Date&TimeDifference Missing Value Final Results Read files Points to remember:Easy one Problem Statement:Your support team would like to get some insight into the quality of their service and they ask you to analyze their support data. As a first step, they would liketo find out how the time to answer a support ticket is distributed, and what the mean of this distribution is. Help your support team by using the datasetincluded in this challenge to (1) plot this time distribution as a histogram, and to (2) calculate its mean. My Learning:Nodes: Date&Time Difference Node 2Node 5Node 16 Date&TimeDifference Missing Value Final Results Read files


