
Apply Bundle (REST)

Apply Bundle (REST)
Please define the credentialsand server address.Read the workflowdescription for furtherexplanations. Compare existing items with items from bundle to identify which items can be labeled as new.Additionally, item types and URLs are generated if the item does not exist on the server. Prepare directories, remove existingschedules & properties (if needed) andcreate snapshots Deploy items, then apply permissions andproperties to these items. Finally, apply schedules. Decompressesthe archive and returns a list of filepathsAppend repository structure/v4/repository Target server CredentialsServer URL...if not existentRetrieves bundled file(Provide a default file torun/try this workflow in a localKNIME Analytics Platform)...for existing workflows0: Item1: Permissions2: Properties3: SchedulesJoin full repo with bundleditemsProcess bundle...for existing workflows Decompress Files VariableExpressions CredentialsConfiguration Variable Creator Merge Variables Create directories ContainerInput (File) Create snapshots Merge Variables Splitter Upload repo item Set permissions Set properties Joiner Get repositoryitems Pre-process Create missing URLs Remove properties& schedules Set schedules Please define the credentialsand server address.Read the workflowdescription for furtherexplanations. Compare existing items with items from bundle to identify which items can be labeled as new.Additionally, item types and URLs are generated if the item does not exist on the server. Prepare directories, remove existingschedules & properties (if needed) andcreate snapshots Deploy items, then apply permissions andproperties to these items. Finally, apply schedules. Decompressesthe archive and returns a list of filepathsAppend repository structure/v4/repository Target server CredentialsServer URL...if not existentRetrieves bundled file(Provide a default file torun/try this workflow in a localKNIME Analytics Platform)...for existing workflows0: Item1: Permissions2: Properties3: SchedulesJoin full repo with bundleditemsProcess bundle...for existing workflowsDecompress Files VariableExpressions CredentialsConfiguration Variable Creator Merge Variables Create directories ContainerInput (File) Create snapshots Merge Variables Splitter Upload repo item Set permissions Set properties Joiner Get repositoryitems Pre-process Create missing URLs Remove properties& schedules Set schedules


