
05 Excel Sheets Formatting

05 Excel Sheets Formatting - Exercise

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L2-DW Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers - Advanced course

Task 1: Create a Tag Table1. Unpivot the Excel table with the XLS Control Table Generatornode. Write column header to first row.2. Replace the values in the Value column with the followingtags:- "header" in the first row- "freeze" in the second row- "risk" in all rows where the travel risk category is 43. Create a tag table with the XLS Control Table Generator node Task 2: Format an Excel Sheet1. Make the header font bold2. Freeze the header row3. Change the cell background to red where the risk category is 44. Change the column widths to 145. Export and inspect the formatted Excel table freeze header rowheader font boldred at risk 4column width 14Readtravle_advisories.xlsx XLS ControlTable Generator Rule Engine XLS ControlTable Generator XLS SheetProperties XLS Font Formatter XLS BackgroundColorizer XLS Formatter(apply) XLS Row andColumn Sizer Excel Reader Task 1: Create a Tag Table1. Unpivot the Excel table with the XLS Control Table Generatornode. Write column header to first row.2. Replace the values in the Value column with the followingtags:- "header" in the first row- "freeze" in the second row- "risk" in all rows where the travel risk category is 43. Create a tag table with the XLS Control Table Generator node Task 2: Format an Excel Sheet1. Make the header font bold2. Freeze the header row3. Change the cell background to red where the risk category is 44. Change the column widths to 145. Export and inspect the formatted Excel table freeze header rowheader font boldred at risk 4column width 14Readtravle_advisories.xlsx XLS ControlTable Generator Rule Engine XLS ControlTable Generator XLS SheetProperties XLS Font Formatter XLS BackgroundColorizer XLS Formatter(apply) XLS Row andColumn Sizer Excel Reader


