

NOTES:The number for 'All deaths reported in the country (TOT_IN)' includes all deathsoccurred in the reporting country, i.e. deaths of residents and non-residents in thereporting country.The number for 'All deaths of residents in or outside their home country(TOT_RESID)' are calculated by taking data for residents dying in their home country(for example, deaths reported by Latvia for Latvian residents dying in Latvia) andadding the number of deaths that were reported by other countries to have died intheir country (for example deaths of LatviaXML file parsed in EXCEL and annotated for the metadataEU population stats from https://www.worldometers.info/population/countries-in-europe-by-population/https://gist.github.com/metal3d/5b925077e66194551df949de64e910f6#file-country-coord-csvGDP data from:https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD?locations=EUAge needed split some ID were aggregation ID Deaths per 100000 across EUDeath rate vs GDP per capita Death rate / age group / countryMajor causes of Death / age group Node 3Node 195Node 392Node 393Keep:TOTAL Summarized Cause of DeathTOTAL M+FPass Summary Cause of DeathNode 398Deaths / 1000000Remove missing values / 1000000Keep:TOT_INTOTAL M+FAge range MediumPass Detailed Cause of DeathNode 510GDP /capitaNode 526Country Population StatsTOTAL M+FDetailed Cause of DeathNode 529Sex, Country Age-Range,Cause SummarizedNode 531Node 532Node 533Topsexcountryage rangeNode 536Node 541Node 542 XML Reader XPath CSV Reader Fix TAGS Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Splitter Joiner Math Formula Row Splitter Row Splitter All Rule-basedRow Splitter Top 3 Causes Male and Female Deathsper Age Range / Country View Joiner Table Creator Double to Integer Table Creator Rule-basedRow Splitter Row Filter Group Loop Start GroupBy Sorter ConstantValue Column Loop End Summary Ddata Math Formula Infectious Disease Male and FemaleDeaths per Age Range / Country View Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Splitter NOTES:The number for 'All deaths reported in the country (TOT_IN)' includes all deathsoccurred in the reporting country, i.e. deaths of residents and non-residents in thereporting country.The number for 'All deaths of residents in or outside their home country(TOT_RESID)' are calculated by taking data for residents dying in their home country(for example, deaths reported by Latvia for Latvian residents dying in Latvia) andadding the number of deaths that were reported by other countries to have died intheir country (for example deaths of LatviaXML file parsed in EXCEL and annotated for the metadataEU population stats from https://www.worldometers.info/population/countries-in-europe-by-population/https://gist.github.com/metal3d/5b925077e66194551df949de64e910f6#file-country-coord-csvGDP data from:https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD?locations=EUAge needed split some ID were aggregation ID Deaths per 100000 across EUDeath rate vs GDP per capita Death rate / age group / countryMajor causes of Death / age group Node 3Node 195Node 392Node 393Keep:TOTAL Summarized Cause of DeathTOTAL M+FPass Summary Cause of DeathNode 398Deaths / 1000000Remove missing values / 1000000Keep:TOT_INTOTAL M+FAge range MediumPass Detailed Cause of DeathNode 510GDP /capitaNode 526Country Population StatsTOTAL M+FDetailed Cause of DeathNode 529Sex, Country Age-Range,Cause SummarizedNode 531Node 532Node 533Topsexcountryage rangeNode 536Node 541Node 542 XML Reader XPath CSV Reader Fix TAGS Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Splitter Joiner Math Formula Row Splitter Row Splitter All Rule-basedRow Splitter Top 3 Causes Male and Female Deathsper Age Range / Country View Joiner Table Creator Double to Integer Table Creator Rule-basedRow Splitter Row Filter Group Loop Start GroupBy Sorter ConstantValue Column Loop End Summary Ddata Math Formula Infectious Disease Male and FemaleDeaths per Age Range / Country View Rule-basedRow Splitter Rule-basedRow Splitter


