

Clustering - exercise
Clustering: k-Means Exercise: Clustering1) Filter to entries from California (region_code = CA) (Row Filter node)2) Train a k-Means model with k=3. Use only position data for clustering (latitude and longitude) (k-Means node)3) Calculate the Silhoutte Coefficients using the Silhouette Coefficient node4) Optional: Plot latitude and longitude in a view (OSM Map View node or Scatter Plot node) and use that tohelp you visually optimize k Locations_data Table Reader Clustering: k-Means Exercise: Clustering1) Filter to entries from California (region_code = CA) (Row Filter node)2) Train a k-Means model with k=3. Use only position data for clustering (latitude and longitude) (k-Means node)3) Calculate the Silhoutte Coefficients using the Silhouette Coefficient node4) Optional: Plot latitude and longitude in a view (OSM Map View node or Scatter Plot node) and use that tohelp you visually optimize k Locations_data Table Reader


