

Logistic Regression - solution
Exercise: Logistic Regression1) Train a Logistic Regression model to predict the overall condition of a house (high/low) (Logistic Regression Learner node)- Select the "rank" column as the target column- Select "low" as the reference category- Leave other settings to their defaults2) Use the trained model to predict the rank of the houses in the test set (Logistic Regression Predictor node)3) Evaluate the accuracy of the logistic regression model (Scorer (JavaScript) node)- Select "rank" as the actual column and "Prediction (rank)" as the predicted column- What is the accuracy of the model? Classification: Logistic Regression Model EvaluateRead AmesHousing.csv Logistic RegressionPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) CSV Reader LogisticRegression Learner Preprocessing Exercise: Logistic Regression1) Train a Logistic Regression model to predict the overall condition of a house (high/low) (Logistic Regression Learner node)- Select the "rank" column as the target column- Select "low" as the reference category- Leave other settings to their defaults2) Use the trained model to predict the rank of the houses in the test set (Logistic Regression Predictor node)3) Evaluate the accuracy of the logistic regression model (Scorer (JavaScript) node)- Select "rank" as the actual column and "Prediction (rank)" as the predicted column- What is the accuracy of the model? Classification: Logistic Regression Model EvaluateRead AmesHousing.csv Logistic RegressionPredictor Scorer (JavaScript) CSV Reader LogisticRegression Learner Preprocessing


