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Define the Category Handle Duplicate Rows and Missing Values EXERCISE:You have received 2 Sales Dataset from one of your distributors with Sales by day for each of their stores.The second week of data contains the data from the last day of the prior week to capture any remaining sales on that day. You want to categorize the products into Dried Flower and VapesIn the exercise below you want to:> Remove the extra columns that do not contain data> Handle the duplicate entries of data choosing the row with the highest sales for the day. > Handle missing values in the UOM Column> Create a new column Assigned_Category that defines if a product is in the Dried Flower or Vapes Category Flower or Dried Flower = Dried Flower Vapes, Vape or Inhalable Extracts = Vapes Remove the extraneous rows SalesCategorizeRemove DuplicatesRemove Extraneous ColumnsExcel Reader Rule Engine Missing Value DuplicateRow Filter Missing ValueColumn Filter Define the Category Handle Duplicate Rows and Missing Values EXERCISE:You have received 2 Sales Dataset from one of your distributors with Sales by day for each of their stores.The second week of data contains the data from the last day of the prior week to capture any remaining sales on that day. You want to categorize the products into Dried Flower and VapesIn the exercise below you want to:> Remove the extra columns that do not contain data> Handle the duplicate entries of data choosing the row with the highest sales for the day. > Handle missing values in the UOM Column> Create a new column Assigned_Category that defines if a product is in the Dried Flower or Vapes Category Flower or Dried Flower = Dried Flower Vapes, Vape or Inhalable Extracts = Vapes Remove the extraneous rows SalesCategorizeRemove DuplicatesRemove Extraneous ColumnsExcel Reader Rule Engine Missing Value DuplicateRow Filter Missing ValueColumn Filter


