
6. Viewing Rated Books

Representation of the "Rated books" component for display on the KNIME Hub. Representation of the "Data App" component for display on the KNIME Hub. Navigation panel Load data.This is done at each loop iteration: first time to display the current data and allow selection; second time to display the updated datarepresenting the database update from the previous iteration. Update or remove rating. Display data and check for selection. 3. Review/Correct 1. Search 2. Rate Navigation panelSeparate the RatedBooks view from theSearch view0: Rated books view1: Search viewSeparate differentSearch views0: Search by title1: Search by author2: Search by ISBNSwitch buttonconnect to db.sqlitecheck for emptysearch query0: search returned results1: no search resultsrate searchresultstitleauthorsISBNonly get booksrated by the usertwo passes: pass 0: database updatedpass 1: table view re-renderedwith updated dataUpdate ratingbuttonempty table touse as loop inputrated books"ratings" tableupdate rating selection"books" tablefetch book infocombine book infoand ratingsonly keep the ratingsprettify column namesonly keep selectedrowscheck if anythingwas selected0: something selected1: nothing selected (skip branch)0: DB update iteration1: view update iteration (skip branch)0: rating change1: remove ratingcheck if update orremoveremove ratingonly keep the columnsthat correspondto the "ratings" tableconvert "username"and "rating-update-selected"to column valuesupdate ratingmake columnnames conformto their databasecounterpartsupdate/removeratingsSingle SelectionWidget Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchVariable (Start) Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchVariable (Start) RefreshButton Widget SQLite Connector CASE SwitchData (End) Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchData (Start) Table Rowto Variable Rate Search Search Search DB Row Filter Counting Loop Start Loop End RefreshButton Widget Table Creator Table View DB Table Selector DB Reader Single SelectionWidget DB Table Selector ParameterizedDB Query Reader Column Appender Column Filter Column Rename Row Filter Extract TableDimension Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchData (Start) CASE SwitchData (Start) CASE SwitchData (Start) Rule EngineVariable Data App DB Delete Column Filter Variable toTable Column DB Update Column Rename Rated books Login Representation of the "Rated books" component for display on the KNIME Hub. Representation of the "Data App" component for display on the KNIME Hub. Navigation panel Load data.This is done at each loop iteration: first time to display the current data and allow selection; second time to display the updated datarepresenting the database update from the previous iteration. Update or remove rating. Display data and check for selection. 3. Review/Correct 1. Search 2. Rate Navigation panelSeparate the RatedBooks view from theSearch view0: Rated books view1: Search viewSeparate differentSearch views0: Search by title1: Search by author2: Search by ISBNSwitch buttonconnect to db.sqlitecheck for emptysearch query0: search returned results1: no search resultsrate searchresultstitleauthorsISBNonly get booksrated by the usertwo passes: pass 0: database updatedpass 1: table view re-renderedwith updated dataUpdate ratingbuttonempty table touse as loop inputrated books"ratings" tableupdate rating selection"books" tablefetch book infocombine book infoand ratingsonly keep the ratingsprettify column namesonly keep selectedrowscheck if anythingwas selected0: something selected1: nothing selected (skip branch)0: DB update iteration1: view update iteration (skip branch)0: rating change1: remove ratingcheck if update orremoveremove ratingonly keep the columnsthat correspondto the "ratings" tableconvert "username"and "rating-update-selected"to column valuesupdate ratingmake columnnames conformto their databasecounterpartsupdate/removeratingsSingle SelectionWidget Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchVariable (Start) Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchVariable (Start) RefreshButton Widget SQLite Connector CASE SwitchData (End) Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchData (Start) Table Rowto Variable Rate Search Search Search DB Row Filter Counting Loop Start Loop End RefreshButton Widget Table Creator Table View DB Table Selector DB Reader Single SelectionWidget DB Table Selector ParameterizedDB Query Reader Column Appender Column Filter Column Rename Row Filter Extract TableDimension Rule EngineVariable CASE SwitchData (Start) CASE SwitchData (Start) CASE SwitchData (Start) Rule EngineVariable Data App DB Delete Column Filter Variable toTable Column DB Update Column Rename Rated books Login


