
01-Tidy Data (Solution)

ZIDAS2020 | Data Analysis with KNIME | Exercise 1Tidy DataGoal: rearrange input data and measure means per animalStrategy:- unpivot the data table- filter missing values- group by animal and aggregate using mean (average)Required nodes:- Unpivoting- Row Filter- GroupBy Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4 CSV Reader Unpivoting Row Filter GroupBy ZIDAS2020 | Data Analysis with KNIME | Exercise 1Tidy DataGoal: rearrange input data and measure means per animalStrategy:- unpivot the data table- filter missing values- group by animal and aggregate using mean (average)Required nodes:- Unpivoting- Row Filter- GroupBy Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4 CSV Reader Unpivoting Row Filter GroupBy


