
07. Date and Time Analysis - Exercise

Date and Time Analysis - Exercise

Exercise 8 for KNIME User Training
- Constructing a timestamp from String values
- Converting String to Date&Time
- Filtering rows by a timestamp
- Extracting granularities from a timestamp
- Aggregating by time granularities
- Calculating moving average
- Calculating moving aggregation

Data CitationLichman, M. (2013). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Informationand Computer Science. Activity II- Read sampled_meter_data.table data- Extract Year, Day of Year, and Hour values from the timestamp into separate columns- Calculate the average timestamp and average intensity by year, day, and hour- Start a new workflow branch and calculate gaussian centered moving average of the intensity - Calculate the maximum of the intensity column for the preceding day (1440 previous records)- Plot the original, average, and maximum intensity in a line plot Activity I- Read meter_data.csv data- Combine the individual date and time values into a timestamp with the String Manipulation node- Convert the timestamp from String to Date&Time- Extract the records for January 2007 with the Date&Time-based Row Filter node CSV Reader Table Reader Data CitationLichman, M. (2013). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Informationand Computer Science. Activity II- Read sampled_meter_data.table data- Extract Year, Day of Year, and Hour values from the timestamp into separate columns- Calculate the average timestamp and average intensity by year, day, and hour- Start a new workflow branch and calculate gaussian centered moving average of the intensity - Calculate the maximum of the intensity column for the preceding day (1440 previous records)- Plot the original, average, and maximum intensity in a line plot Activity I- Read meter_data.csv data- Combine the individual date and time values into a timestamp with the String Manipulation node- Convert the timestamp from String to Date&Time- Extract the records for January 2007 with the Date&Time-based Row Filter node CSV Reader Table Reader


