

Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 7remove idtemplateNode 36make manifest-idsource-dataNode 42Node 43remove idNode 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 51itemscanvas-idannotation-page-idannotationimage-idimage urlNode 56Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63remove idMongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader Variable Creator MongoDB Reader JSON Path JSON Path JSON Transformer String to JSON ConstantValue Column make collectionmanifest String Manipulation MongoDB Reader JSON Path Joiner JSON Transformer Concatenate Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation JSON Transformer String to JSON JSON Writer JSON Writer JSON Path MongoDB Reader Row Filter JSON Transformer Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 7remove idtemplateNode 36make manifest-idsource-dataNode 42Node 43remove idNode 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 51itemscanvas-idannotation-page-idannotationimage-idimage urlNode 56Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63remove idMongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader Variable Creator MongoDB Reader JSON Path JSON Path JSON Transformer String to JSON ConstantValue Column make collectionmanifest String Manipulation MongoDB Reader JSON Path Joiner JSON Transformer Concatenate Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation JSON Transformer String to JSON JSON Writer JSON Writer JSON Path MongoDB Reader Row Filter JSON Transformer


