

RECOGNIZE TRAIN MODEL SET VARIABLESread annotationscreate personcreate JSON w/person datagrouppersonsget AzurepersonIDNode 276create URIPOST create personNode 287Node 288Node 291Node 293Node 298Node 328Node 329Node 330make URINode 332get sub-collectionVariable Creator MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path POST Request String Manipulation GroupBy JSON Path Joiner String Manipulation(Variable) detect_face add_face MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector Columns to JSON identify aggregate and write MongoDB Reader JSON Path String Manipulation Row Filter String Manipulation RECOGNIZE TRAIN MODEL SET VARIABLESread annotationscreate personcreate JSON w/person datagrouppersonsget AzurepersonIDNode 276create URIPOST create personNode 287Node 288Node 291Node 293Node 298Node 328Node 329Node 330make URINode 332get sub-collectionVariable Creator MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path POST Request String Manipulation GroupBy JSON Path Joiner String Manipulation(Variable) detect_face add_face MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector Columns to JSON identify aggregate and write MongoDB Reader JSON Path String Manipulation Row Filter String Manipulation


