


- read images and image metadata from meemoo API v1
- write images and image metadat

- copy images to knime://LOCAL//ADVNVAI/DATA/FOMU/CONTENT
- set CP name in Variable creator
- set API query in GET request

meemoo APIget image recordsget image dataSET CP variablemake pathto contentmake pathto metadataNode 40save imageslocalmakefilenameget previewNode 44read image metadatamakeedm:dataProviderGET Request JSON Path Ungroup JSON Path Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Chunk Loop Start Binary Objectsto Files String Manipulation GET Request Loop End Image Reader(Table) Columns to JSON JSON Writer XML To JSON String Manipulation Path to String Column Resorter Column Rename meemoo APIget image recordsget image dataSET CP variablemake pathto contentmake pathto metadataNode 40save imageslocalmakefilenameget previewNode 44read image metadatamakeedm:dataProviderGET Request JSON Path Ungroup JSON Path Variable Creator String Manipulation(Variable) String to Path(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Chunk Loop Start Binary Objectsto Files String Manipulation GET Request Loop End Image Reader(Table) Columns to JSON JSON Writer XML To JSON String Manipulation Path to String Column Resorter Column Rename


