
20230510 Pikairos Scatter Plot with Histograms using Python View for KNIME 4.7

Using Matplotlib to generate a Scatter Plot with Histograms

Using Matplotlib togenerate a ScatterPlot with Histograms https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/scatter_hist.html Assign Cluster IDConvert Imageto TableCreateDimension 2Create RowsCreateDimension 1See Imagein Table Optional Node:Use Only ifYou Don't Already HaveSeaborn in yourCurrent PythonEnvironment This Node Will Createan Environment Calledpy3_knime_seabornWhen You ExecuteRandom LabelAssigner Image To Table Scatter Plotwith Histograms Gaussian DistributedAssigner Empty Table Creator Gaussian DistributedAssigner InteractiveTable (local) Conda EnvironmentPropagation Using Matplotlib togenerate a ScatterPlot with Histograms https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/scatter_hist.html Assign Cluster IDConvert Imageto TableCreateDimension 2Create RowsCreateDimension 1See Imagein Table Optional Node:Use Only ifYou Don't Already HaveSeaborn in yourCurrent PythonEnvironment This Node Will Createan Environment Calledpy3_knime_seabornWhen You ExecuteRandom LabelAssigner Image To Table Scatter Plotwith Histograms Gaussian DistributedAssigner Empty Table Creator Gaussian DistributedAssigner InteractiveTable (local) Conda EnvironmentPropagation


