
MoM Blog Performance-for Hub

Overall Blog Performance Dashboard

This workflow retrieves data from Google Analytics for the KNIME Blog.

The interactive dashboard includes a:
- Line plot showing unique page views
- Table giving you month on month growth (unique page views) plus average time readers spend on the blog and average bounce rate.

You can set the date range yourself.

1. Access Google Analytics API and get the data 2. Access GoogleSheets to remove list of outlier (star) articles from the data 3. Date & Time Conversion 4. Calculate metrics for dashboard knime.comviews 2017-...Convert date col intodate formatGet month nameConnect to get listof outlier articlesGet list of outlier articlesto exclude from analysisRemoveoutlierarticles Google AnalyticsConnection Google AnalyticsQuery GoogleAuthentication String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Blog PerformanceDashboard Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsReader ReferenceRow Filter date of today 1. Access Google Analytics API and get the data 2. Access GoogleSheets to remove list of outlier (star) articles from the data 3. Date & Time Conversion 4. Calculate metrics for dashboard knime.comviews 2017-...Convert date col intodate formatGet month nameConnect to get listof outlier articlesGet list of outlier articlesto exclude from analysisRemoveoutlierarticlesGoogle AnalyticsConnection Google AnalyticsQuery GoogleAuthentication String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Blog PerformanceDashboard Google SheetsConnection GoogleAuthentication Google SheetsReader ReferenceRow Filter date of today


