

This workflow instructs you to apply custom colors to bars in a bar chart

Data loading Extract the column names using aExtract Table Spec node Apply categorical color mappingon the column names. Visualize the results using a bar chart. Hint: Column names are the product category names. Pivoting and aggregating Duplicating the category column Session 2Exercise 2 - Apply custom colors to categories in a bar chartSummary:In this exercise, we are going to visualize the sum of sales per productcategory using a bar chart with customized colors.Instructions:1) Execute the CSV Reader node to load the sales data2) Create a duplicate category column using a String Manipulation node3) Create a pivot table that shows the sum of sales per different productcategories4) Extract the column names using the Extract Table Spec node5) Apply categorical color mapping on different product categories using aColor Manager node6) Use a Bar Chart node to visualize the results Sales Data CSV Reader Data loading Extract the column names using aExtract Table Spec node Apply categorical color mappingon the column names. Visualize the results using a bar chart. Hint: Column names are the product category names. Pivoting and aggregating Duplicating the category column Session 2Exercise 2 - Apply custom colors to categories in a bar chartSummary:In this exercise, we are going to visualize the sum of sales per productcategory using a bar chart with customized colors.Instructions:1) Execute the CSV Reader node to load the sales data2) Create a duplicate category column using a String Manipulation node3) Create a pivot table that shows the sum of sales per different productcategories4) Extract the column names using the Extract Table Spec node5) Apply categorical color mapping on different product categories using aColor Manager node6) Use a Bar Chart node to visualize the results Sales Data CSV Reader


