
2024- Week 7 - Valentine's Day

We'll take a break from assisting Prep Air for this challenge, but don't worry, it's for a good cause! We have a lot of couples that want some ideas for Valentine's Day gifts (because this challenge is being launched on Valentine's Day!) We want to calculate the amount of Valentine's Days the couples have spent together so they can gather ideas on how to theme their presents this year.

URL: preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1 https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1

We'll take a break from helping Prep Air for this challenge, but don't worry, it's for a good cause! We've got a number of couples who want some inspiration for Valentine'sDay gifts (since this challenge is being released on Valentine's Day!) We want to count the number of Valentine's Days that the couples have been together for, so they canget inspired on how to theme their gifts this year.Link: https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1 Authenicate and Reading GoogleSheets. Data Manipulation Output Couples.csvAuthenicate My googleaccountconfigure google sheetsGifts.csvcalcuating the difference from realtionship to today.Converting theRealtionship dateExtracting month from Relationship startFinding the yearsadding thecolumnsNumber of Valentine's Days as a CoupleRemoving chars in yearJoining two tablesoutputGoogle SheetsReader GoogleAuthenticator Google SheetsConnector Google SheetsReader Date&TimeDifference String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Rule Engine Math Formula Rule Engine String Manipulation Joiner CSV Writer We'll take a break from helping Prep Air for this challenge, but don't worry, it's for a good cause! We've got a number of couples who want some inspiration for Valentine'sDay gifts (since this challenge is being released on Valentine's Day!) We want to count the number of Valentine's Days that the couples have been together for, so they canget inspired on how to theme their gifts this year.Link: https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1 Authenicate and Reading GoogleSheets. Data Manipulation Output Couples.csvAuthenicate My googleaccountconfigure google sheetsGifts.csvcalcuating the difference from realtionship to today.Converting theRealtionship dateExtracting month from Relationship startFinding the yearsadding thecolumnsNumber of Valentine's Days as a CoupleRemoving chars in yearJoining two tablesoutputGoogle SheetsReader GoogleAuthenticator Google SheetsConnector Google SheetsReader Date&TimeDifference String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Rule Engine Math Formula Rule Engine String Manipulation Joiner CSV Writer


