
Just KNIME It _​ Challenge 018

Just KNIME It _ Challenge 018
Just KNIME It! - Challenge 18: Categorizing Notes Tagging Categoriesto MechanicalNotes Categories.xlsxWildcards to be foundInspection_Notes.xlsxDescriptionsListROWINDEXto keep list sortedWilcardregex match approachto any position in Descriptions(no case sensitive)Exclude FALSEall conbinationsdescriptions vs wildcardsRank Categories by Listed Description ItemPivot RanksConcatenate ResultsRemoveUn-handled NULLSAddress Concatenated Results to Descriptions ListRename 'Concatenate'Result as$Category$ Excel Reader Excel Reader Math Formula String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Rank Pivoting Column Aggregator String Manipulation Joiner Column Rename Just KNIME It! - Challenge 18: Categorizing Notes Tagging Categoriesto MechanicalNotes Categories.xlsxWildcards to be foundInspection_Notes.xlsxDescriptionsListROWINDEXto keep list sortedWilcardregex match approachto any position in Descriptions(no case sensitive)Exclude FALSEall conbinationsdescriptions vs wildcardsRank Categories by Listed Description ItemPivot RanksConcatenate ResultsRemoveUn-handled NULLSAddress Concatenated Results to Descriptions ListRename 'Concatenate'Result as$Category$ Excel Reader Excel Reader Math Formula String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Rank Pivoting Column Aggregator String Manipulation Joiner Column Rename


