



Generates Dose-response curve fits on cell-based toxicity data. Outliers of replicate data-sets can be removed by setting a threshold for standard deviation (here set to 25). Curve fits for compounds showing low response can be removed by setting a threshold for minimum activity (here set to 75% confluence).
This workflow needs R-Server to run in the back-end. Start R and run the following command: library(Rserve); Rserve(args = "--vanilla")

generate DRC Table from selecteddata generate DRC Table from raw data set St.Dev cut-off remove outliers of triplicate measurementbased on selected cut-off for standard deviation Info: Column headersThis worklow uses the following compound headernames spelling:"Compound Id", "Concentration", "Confluence" DRC tables with Graphs for comparison remove inactive compounds based on minactivity cut-off set minimum activity cut-off Enter cut-off value hereDRC Table w/o exclusionsNode 244Node 253Node 271by IC50set destinationfor result fileEnter cut-off value hereNode 299Example data Table Creator generate DRC table remove outlies DRC tablecleaned data Joiner (deprecated) Sorter Excel Writer Table Creator identify inactivecompounds Table Reader generate DRC Table from selecteddata generate DRC Table from raw data set St.Dev cut-off remove outliers of triplicate measurementbased on selected cut-off for standard deviation Info: Column headersThis worklow uses the following compound headernames spelling:"Compound Id", "Concentration", "Confluence" DRC tables with Graphs for comparison remove inactive compounds based on minactivity cut-off set minimum activity cut-off Enter cut-off value hereDRC Table w/o exclusionsNode 244Node 253Node 271by IC50set destinationfor result fileEnter cut-off value hereNode 299Example data Table Creator generate DRC table remove outlies DRC tablecleaned data Joiner (deprecated) Sorter Excel Writer Table Creator identify inactivecompounds Table Reader


