

generate DRC Table generate DRC Table fromraw data classify compounds based on meanconfluence, cut-offs for "low activity" and"inactive" Cut-off and Flag for low activity St.Dev cut-off remove toxic concentrations remove outliers of triplicatemeasurement based on selected cut-offfor standard deviation Info: Column headersThis worklow uses the following compoundheader names spelling:"Compound Id", "Concentration", "Confluence" DRC tables with Graphs for comparison Enter cut-off value hereCut-off valueNode 98DRC Table w/o exclusionsNode 244Node 253Node 271Node 272by IC50Node 275Node 281Node 282set destinationfor result fileNode 285 Table Creator Table Creator Table Rowto Variable generate DRC table remove outliesof triplicates DRC tablecleaned data Joiner Anotate DRC Table Sorter Identify "acitve", "lowactivity", "inactive" Identify toxicconcentrations Combine comments Excel Writer Table Reader generate DRC Table generate DRC Table fromraw data classify compounds based on meanconfluence, cut-offs for "low activity" and"inactive" Cut-off and Flag for low activity St.Dev cut-off remove toxic concentrations remove outliers of triplicatemeasurement based on selected cut-offfor standard deviation Info: Column headersThis worklow uses the following compoundheader names spelling:"Compound Id", "Concentration", "Confluence" DRC tables with Graphs for comparison Enter cut-off value hereCut-off valueNode 98DRC Table w/o exclusionsNode 244Node 253Node 271Node 272by IC50Node 275Node 281Node 282set destinationfor result fileNode 285Table Creator Table Creator Table Rowto Variable generate DRC table remove outliesof triplicates DRC tablecleaned data Joiner Anotate DRC Table Sorter Identify "acitve", "lowactivity", "inactive" Identify toxicconcentrations Combine comments Excel Writer Table Reader


