
Solution 2 (Bar Chart)

Iris dataset has records on the length and width measures for sepals and petals. This dataset consists of 50 recordsfor each of three Iris species: Iris setosa, Iris virginica, and Iris versicolor Bar Chart - Group mean- Plot means of numerical attributes for each group of a categorical variable- Other available options - Occurence count - Sum Bar Chart - Custom colors - Use Color manager node to assign custom colors to the numeric attributes Bar Chart - Stacked- Same as group mean, but means of numerical attributes are stacked on top of each other instead of next to each other Bar Chart - Horizontal bars- Bars can also be plotted horizontally instead of vertically- This example also uses group sum instead of mean Bar Chart - Overall statistics- JS Bar Chart node needs group column- To plot overall statistics, a constant value column needs to be added Interactive Bar Chart ExampleThis workflow demonstrates how to create interactive bar chart using Refresh Widget node.Forum link: https://forum.knime.com/t/grouped-bar-chart/33602 Group meanGet columnnamesCreate columnwith columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnGrouped chartwith customcolorsStackedHorizontal,SumAdd columnwith same value for each rowOverallmeanNode 29Data inputPrepare dataNode 80Node 81Prepare dataData input Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Transpose Color Manager Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart ConstantValue Column Bar Chart Table Reader Excel Reader Pivoting Interactive BarChart View Bar Chart Pivoting Excel Reader InteractiveBar Chart Iris dataset has records on the length and width measures for sepals and petals. This dataset consists of 50 recordsfor each of three Iris species: Iris setosa, Iris virginica, and Iris versicolor Bar Chart - Group mean- Plot means of numerical attributes for each group of a categorical variable- Other available options - Occurence count - Sum Bar Chart - Custom colors - Use Color manager node to assign custom colors to the numeric attributes Bar Chart - Stacked- Same as group mean, but means of numerical attributes are stacked on top of each other instead of next to each other Bar Chart - Horizontal bars- Bars can also be plotted horizontally instead of vertically- This example also uses group sum instead of mean Bar Chart - Overall statistics- JS Bar Chart node needs group column- To plot overall statistics, a constant value column needs to be added Interactive Bar Chart ExampleThis workflow demonstrates how to create interactive bar chart using Refresh Widget node.Forum link: https://forum.knime.com/t/grouped-bar-chart/33602 Group meanGet columnnamesCreate columnwith columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnGrouped chartwith customcolorsStackedHorizontal,SumAdd columnwith same value for each rowOverallmeanNode 29Data inputPrepare dataNode 80Node 81Prepare dataData input Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Transpose Color Manager Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart ConstantValue Column Bar Chart Table Reader Excel Reader Pivoting Interactive BarChart View Bar Chart Pivoting Excel Reader InteractiveBar Chart


