

Challenge 35: Linkedin Network GraphDescription: In this challenge we will create a network graph using your LinkedIn data. Once you have your chosen data at hand, your task is tomake networks that show where your contacts work, and link those contacts to a work place node. A simple example would be: Paolo ---- KNIME ----- ElizabethThe above network graph shows that both of your contacts (Paolo and Elizabeth) work at KNIME. After the graph is built, visualize the top 3companies where most of your contacts work Connections.csvMissing valuesAdd EgdesAdd Positiontop 3just top 3 File Reader Row Filter (Labs) Network Creator Object Inserter Feature Inserter Network Viewer(local) GroupBy Top k Selector ReferenceRow Filter Challenge 35: Linkedin Network GraphDescription: In this challenge we will create a network graph using your LinkedIn data. Once you have your chosen data at hand, your task is tomake networks that show where your contacts work, and link those contacts to a work place node. A simple example would be: Paolo ---- KNIME ----- ElizabethThe above network graph shows that both of your contacts (Paolo and Elizabeth) work at KNIME. After the graph is built, visualize the top 3companies where most of your contacts work Connections.csvMissing valuesAdd EgdesAdd Positiontop 3just top 3 File Reader Row Filter (Labs) Network Creator Object Inserter Feature Inserter Network Viewer(local) GroupBy Top k Selector ReferenceRow Filter


