

Challenge 13: Onsite and Online TransactionsIn this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are relatedto the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsite transaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take itsfirst 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the string from the onlinetransaction. Modified Transactions Table Creator Column Expressions Challenge 13: Onsite and Online TransactionsIn this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are relatedto the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsite transaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take itsfirst 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the string from the onlinetransaction. Modified Transactions Table Creator Column Expressions


