

Original workflow Optimized workflow https://forum.knime.com/t/i-hope-you-can-parse-a-binary-large-object-blob-better-than-i-can/41639 As background....This BLOB comes from a GET call wherethe output is csv format in the return body. The expected number of rows is verylarge. In this case ~470K rows and willget larger over time.I've included a 50K sample to play with.This does work but the first transposestep takes quite a long time to complete. Makes me thing there is a more optimalway to handle this.I'm wondering if there is a more efficentway to get the same end result.Thanks!Jason Node 1280Node 1284Node 1285Node 1286Node 1287Node 1288Node 1289Node 1295Node 1296Node 1297Node 1298Node 1299Node 1302Node 1304Node 1305Node 1306 Binary Objectsto Strings Cell Splitter Transpose Cell Splitter Insert ColumnHeader Row Splitter Transpose Column Rename(Regex) Table Reader Column Rename(Regex) Transpose Cell Splitter Cell Splitter Row Splitter Insert ColumnHeader Ungroup Original workflow Optimized workflow https://forum.knime.com/t/i-hope-you-can-parse-a-binary-large-object-blob-better-than-i-can/41639 As background....This BLOB comes from a GET call wherethe output is csv format in the return body. The expected number of rows is verylarge. In this case ~470K rows and willget larger over time.I've included a 50K sample to play with.This does work but the first transposestep takes quite a long time to complete. Makes me thing there is a more optimalway to handle this.I'm wondering if there is a more efficentway to get the same end result.Thanks!Jason Node 1280Node 1284Node 1285Node 1286Node 1287Node 1288Node 1289Node 1295Node 1296Node 1297Node 1298Node 1299Node 1302Node 1304Node 1305Node 1306 Binary Objectsto Strings Cell Splitter Transpose Cell Splitter Insert ColumnHeader Row Splitter Transpose Column Rename(Regex) Table Reader Column Rename(Regex) Transpose Cell Splitter Cell Splitter Row Splitter Insert ColumnHeader Ungroup


