

JustKNIMEit! - Challenge 3dataset: https://kni.me/s/vrlYVaryZtBlyTsB read cancer data read population data cancer incidence in eachUS state top-5 cancer types per sex top-5 cancer types - females:- Breast- Digestive System- Respiratory System- Lung and Bronchus- Female Genital System top-5 cancer types - males:- Digestive System- Respiratory System- Lung and Bronchus- Urinary System- Colon and Rectum group all male/female breast cancer types into one catgeory"breast" missing value handling: group by cancer type, age &gender and calculate mean pergroup readCDC_cancer_2017.csvreadpopulation2017.xlsxremovepreceding '.'nr. of cancercases per statecalculate incidencenr. of cases/populatioif string missing:remove rowremove notescolumnget mean count foreach cancer type per age & genderreplace missingswith 0add meanto cancer typesif count missing: take meanelse: take countround meanto inttop 5 maletop 5 femaleremove cancer type 0(all invasive cancer types)replace with "Breast":Male and Female BreastMale and Female Breast, In SituFemale BreastFemale Breast, In Situreplace cancer sitecodes for "Breast" with"26000" CSV Reader Excel Reader String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Missing Value Column Filter GroupBy Missing Value Joiner Rule Engine Math Formula Pivoting Column Rename Top k Selector Top k Selector Row Filter Rule Engine Rule Engine GroupBy Sorter JustKNIMEit! - Challenge 3dataset: https://kni.me/s/vrlYVaryZtBlyTsB read cancer data read population data cancer incidence in eachUS state top-5 cancer types per sex top-5 cancer types - females:- Breast- Digestive System- Respiratory System- Lung and Bronchus- Female Genital System top-5 cancer types - males:- Digestive System- Respiratory System- Lung and Bronchus- Urinary System- Colon and Rectum group all male/female breast cancer types into one catgeory"breast" missing value handling: group by cancer type, age &gender and calculate mean pergroup readCDC_cancer_2017.csvreadpopulation2017.xlsxremovepreceding '.'nr. of cancercases per statecalculate incidencenr. of cases/populatioif string missing:remove rowremove notescolumnget mean count foreach cancer type per age & genderreplace missingswith 0add meanto cancer typesif count missing: take meanelse: take countround meanto inttop 5 maletop 5 femaleremove cancer type 0(all invasive cancer types)replace with "Breast":Male and Female BreastMale and Female Breast, In SituFemale BreastFemale Breast, In Situreplace cancer sitecodes for "Breast" with"26000" CSV Reader Excel Reader String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Missing Value Column Filter GroupBy Missing Value Joiner Rule Engine Math Formula Pivoting Column Rename Top k Selector Top k Selector Row Filter Rule Engine Rule Engine GroupBy Sorter


