

Description: The Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is a song competition with participants mostly from european countries. In the contest finale, each country gives points to the others, and the sum of the received points determines the winning country. In this challenge, you will experiment with the Network Mining nodes in order to visualize (in a Network Viewer) the points given and received by each country. Note: The contest regulation changed over time, and it might make no sense to aggregate points from different editions.

Node 1Node 31957 - 2015>= 2016Node 20Node 38Node 44Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 50Node 72Node 73Node 74Node 75Between1957 - 20152016 - to presentNode 81CSV Reader Row Splitter (Labs) Points given Points Group Loop Start Loop End Group Loop Start Itera over Country Itera over Country Loop End String Manipulation(Multi Column) Concatenate Column Rename Sorter GroupBy Points given Point by Juryand Televoters Table View EuroVision Song Node 1Node 31957 - 2015>= 2016Node 20Node 38Node 44Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 50Node 72Node 73Node 74Node 75Between1957 - 20152016 - to presentNode 81CSV Reader Row Splitter (Labs) Points given Points Group Loop Start Loop End Group Loop Start Itera over Country Itera over Country Loop End String Manipulation(Multi Column) Concatenate Column Rename Sorter GroupBy Points given Point by Juryand Televoters Table View EuroVision Song


