

Read existig data, map search columns to db columns and create search string establish rules and send incorrect results to responsibles Enrich geo data for plants Calculating distance between plant andsupplier with Haversine formula read supplier datamap city, postal codeand land to search URLNode 8replace blanks forURL encodingwrite incorrect locationssend modified URL to OMSextract attributesidentifyunspecific recordsmapping tableadress detailsavailable on nominatim.orgNode 17Node 22receiving plantswith turnoversNode 25send mail toresponsiblesfilter out rankingcolumns etc.Node 28send modified URL to OMSmap city, postal codeand land to search URLreplace blanksNode 32extract plantgeo attributesNode 35distance in kmwrite to anydatasource you want Excel Reader String Manipulation String to URI String Manipulation Excel Writer GET Request XPath Rule Engine Table Creator Joiner Row Splitter Excel Reader Joiner Send Email Column Filter String to URI GET Request String Manipulation String Manipulation Row Filter XPath String To Number Math Formula CSV Writer Read existig data, map search columns to db columns and create search string establish rules and send incorrect results to responsibles Enrich geo data for plants Calculating distance between plant andsupplier with Haversine formula read supplier datamap city, postal codeand land to search URLNode 8replace blanks forURL encodingwrite incorrect locationssend modified URL to OMSextract attributesidentifyunspecific recordsmapping tableadress detailsavailable on nominatim.orgNode 17Node 22receiving plantswith turnoversNode 25send mail toresponsiblesfilter out rankingcolumns etc.Node 28send modified URL to OMSmap city, postal codeand land to search URLreplace blanksNode 32extract plantgeo attributesNode 35distance in kmwrite to anydatasource you want Excel Reader String Manipulation String to URI String Manipulation Excel Writer GET Request XPath Rule Engine Table Creator Joiner Row Splitter Excel Reader Joiner Send Email Column Filter String to URI GET Request String Manipulation String Manipulation Row Filter XPath String To Number Math Formula CSV Writer


