
Challenge 19 - Employee Skills

Challenge 19 - Employee Skills
Challenge 19: Employee Skills Description: A survey was done to ask employees to rate themselves on a scale of 1-5 on different technologies and skills. We would like you to analyze this data and present it in a list where we are providing primary, secondary, and tertiary skills. Primary skills can be defined as skills rated 5; secondary skills rated 3 and 4; and tertiary skills rated 2. The final list should appear as it does on the KNIME forum where this challenge was suggested. Note: There may be cases inwhich employees have not rated themselves more than 3 on any of the skills (i.e., they have no primary skills). READ DATA & PREPROCESS DATA CREATE SKILLSET LIST ANDDASHBOARD Read Survey DataUnpivot toRow by RowDefineSkill CategoriesExcel Reader Unpivoting Rule Engine Dashboard Challenge 19: Employee Skills Description: A survey was done to ask employees to rate themselves on a scale of 1-5 on different technologies and skills. We would like you to analyze this data and present it in a list where we are providing primary, secondary, and tertiary skills. Primary skills can be defined as skills rated 5; secondary skills rated 3 and 4; and tertiary skills rated 2. The final list should appear as it does on the KNIME forum where this challenge was suggested. Note: There may be cases inwhich employees have not rated themselves more than 3 on any of the skills (i.e., they have no primary skills). READ DATA & PREPROCESS DATA CREATE SKILLSET LIST ANDDASHBOARD Read Survey DataUnpivot toRow by RowDefineSkill CategoriesExcel Reader Unpivoting Rule Engine Dashboard


