
Challenge 13 - Onsite and Online Transactions

Challenge 13 - Onsite and Online Transactions
Challenge 13 - Onsite and Online Transactions Description: Your company keeps data related to online and onsite transactions in a tabular dataset. In this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are related to the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsite transaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take its first 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the string from the online transaction.What is the most efficient way to perform this task? READ DATA INFER PRODUCT CODE Create dummy DataApplyGuidelinesTable Creator Column Expressions Challenge 13 - Onsite and Online Transactions Description: Your company keeps data related to online and onsite transactions in a tabular dataset. In this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from the transactions (which are related to the bought products) given the following guidelines: (1) if the onsite transaction starts with “L”, then take its first 12 digits; otherwise, take its first 6 digits; and (2) if the onsite transaction has a missing value, then take the string from the online transaction.What is the most efficient way to perform this task? READ DATA INFER PRODUCT CODE Create dummy DataApplyGuidelinesTable Creator Column Expressions


