
Visualization workflow

Visualization workflow

Visualization workflow

This workflow collects some customer and sales related data from different sources (local and remote) and different file types (Excel, CSV, database). The workflow blends the collected pieces of data and does some data cleaning, transformation and aggregation to make it ready for visualization and further analysis. The last part of the workflow builds a composite view to visualize the data from different aspects.
The Microsoft Authentication and SharePoint Online Connector nodes are optional, all example files are bundled in the workflow's "data" folder and can be used via local file import.

Data import Data transformation and blending Visualization Exclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivitySentiment Rating & DescriptionWebActivity.sqliteWebActivityDB data to KNIME tableAll web activity data in one tableNumeric sentiment scoresSentiment scores+Web activityAdd Demographics DataRemoveduplicatesCategory columns to stringRemove rows with missing numeric valueDemographics & History New Sentiment EvaluationOld Webactivity DataSales dataAdd sales dataProducts by quarterSign in to your Microsoft accountConnect to a Sharepoint folder Column Filter CSV Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Concatenate Cell Replacer Joiner Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Number To String Missing Value Excel Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Pivoting Composite view to visualizesales and customer data MicrosoftAuthentication SharePointOnline Connector Data import Data transformation and blending Visualization Exclude Sentiment Ratingand Web ActivitySentiment Rating & DescriptionWebActivity.sqliteWebActivityDB data to KNIME tableAll web activity data in one tableNumeric sentiment scoresSentiment scores+Web activityAdd Demographics DataRemoveduplicatesCategory columns to stringRemove rows with missing numeric valueDemographics & History New Sentiment EvaluationOld Webactivity DataSales dataAdd sales dataProducts by quarterSign in to your Microsoft accountConnect to a Sharepoint folder Column Filter CSV Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Concatenate Cell Replacer Joiner Joiner DuplicateRow Filter Number To String Missing Value Excel Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Pivoting Composite view to visualizesales and customer data MicrosoftAuthentication SharePointOnline Connector


