

Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Skewness in RatingsSales by CitySales by PaymentGross income and RatingsProfitable cityGender vs Gross incomeProduct line vs Gross incomeNode 14Female vs Product lineMale vs product lineNode 17Node 18Node 19Most occurences on which day Node 26Node 27Most occurences at what timeMax sales at what timeRating vs Product lineQuantity vs Product lineMost sold product linesCIty NFile Reader(deprecated) DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Box Plot Linear Correlation Column Filter Statistics Interactive Piechart (local) Interactive Piechart (local) Scatter Plot Bar Chart Interactive Piechart (local) Interactive Piechart (local) Row Splitter Bar Chart Bar Chart Table Creator String to Date/Time(legacy) Date FieldExtractor (legacy) Bar Chart Time Table Creator Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart Interactive Piechart (local) Row Splitter Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Skewness in RatingsSales by CitySales by PaymentGross income and RatingsProfitable cityGender vs Gross incomeProduct line vs Gross incomeNode 14Female vs Product lineMale vs product lineNode 17Node 18Node 19Most occurences on which day Node 26Node 27Most occurences at what timeMax sales at what timeRating vs Product lineQuantity vs Product lineMost sold product linesCIty NFile Reader(deprecated) DuplicateRow Filter Missing Value Box Plot Linear Correlation Column Filter Statistics Interactive Piechart (local) Interactive Piechart (local) Scatter Plot Bar Chart Interactive Piechart (local) Interactive Piechart (local) Row Splitter Bar Chart Bar Chart Table Creator String to Date/Time(legacy) Date FieldExtractor (legacy) Bar Chart Time Table Creator Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart Interactive Piechart (local) Row Splitter


