
Data Manipulation Techniques

Column Expressions for Data Manipulation

This is an example worklow to manipulate string values, transform numeric values, and generate new columns using the following:
1. The String Manipulation Node, the Math Formula (Multi Column) node, and the Rule Engine node for performing single data manipulation tasks
2. The Column Expressions node to replace the individual nodes

Operation 1: String values to upper caseletters Operation 2: Round double values Operation 3: Generate new column fromvalues in an existing column Clubto upper caseRound height of playersPlayers that are the tallest in premier leagueEPL player stats - Sheet1.csv String Manipulation Math Formula(Multi Column) Rule Engine CSV Reader Operation 1: String values to upper caseletters Operation 2: Round double values Operation 3: Generate new column fromvalues in an existing column Clubto upper caseRound height of playersPlayers that are the tallest in premier leagueEPL player stats - Sheet1.csv String Manipulation Math Formula(Multi Column) Rule Engine CSV Reader


