
Tag Documents With Reference Code PA3

Pre-process text to be searched. Create a dictionary of search terms Search pre-processed text for terms in the dictionary. CodeTableText tomatchTag alloccurance ofdictionary wordas aNamed Entity (NE)value (UNKNOWN)Filter outanything nottagged asNE(UNKNOWN)Extract identifiedtermsConvert termsto stringMatchedCodeConsolidatecodes into a setper originatingdocumentPre-processedDocumentsUnmatchedKeywordsBottomList of extracted keywordsthat could not be matchedwith count of documents thekeyword appears inNode 1636Node 1639Node 1640Add CodesTo OriginalDocumetsCoded Documents(right-click to openineractive view)Node 1653Uncoded Documents(right-click to openineractive view) Table Creator Table Creator Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Term To String Joiner GroupBy Document Viewer Row Splitter Unmatched ExtractedKeywords Pre-processtext documents ProcessKeyword List Table Manipulator Joiner Visualise Topics Row Splitter Visualise Topics Pre-process text to be searched. Create a dictionary of search terms Search pre-processed text for terms in the dictionary. CodeTableText tomatchTag alloccurance ofdictionary wordas aNamed Entity (NE)value (UNKNOWN)Filter outanything nottagged asNE(UNKNOWN)Extract identifiedtermsConvert termsto stringMatchedCodeConsolidatecodes into a setper originatingdocumentPre-processedDocumentsUnmatchedKeywordsBottomList of extracted keywordsthat could not be matchedwith count of documents thekeyword appears inNode 1636Node 1639Node 1640Add CodesTo OriginalDocumetsCoded Documents(right-click to openineractive view)Node 1653Uncoded Documents(right-click to openineractive view) Table Creator Table Creator Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Term To String Joiner GroupBy Document Viewer Row Splitter Unmatched ExtractedKeywords Pre-processtext documents ProcessKeyword List Table Manipulator Joiner Visualise Topics Row Splitter Visualise Topics


