
PHE Covid-19 Cases 2020-04-24 PA5

This workflow reads the latest Public Health England file for Covid-19 cases, parses the data, appends raw or weighted population and calculates case ratesacross Upper Tier Local Authorities in England (UTLAs). In addition, the daily cases are interpolated from cumulative reported values, a value for Rt (thereproduction rate) is estimated, and values are piecewise smoothed to remove noise and provide a time-series suitable for analysis and display.This workflow requires Covid-19 Deaths UK to provide an input table so that death data may be appended to the case statistics. That workflow is availablehere:https://hub.knime.com/diaazul/spaces/Public/latest/Covid-19/Covid-19%20Deaths%20UK%202020-04-21%20PA1 Create Region for London These components calculate lines representing limits of box lineplots - Median, Upper Quartile, Lower Quartile, Upper and Loweroutlier extents (Median +/- 1.5 * Interquartile range). AddPopulationConsolidateLondonNode 26London inTotalNode 49Node 166Export AllNode 216Node 237TidyRowIDNode 463Node 466PopulationsNode 468Node 516Read deathsInformationNode 518Node 533Export AllDaily Case RateRtCumulative Case Rate Joiner GroupBy ConstantValue Column CalculateCase Rates Calc Days PassedThreshold Incremental CSV Writer Piecewise Rt RowID Raw or weightedpopulation Add PopulationDensity ProcessDownloaded Data Table Creator Row Filter Concatenate ConstantValue Column Table Reader Joiner GroupBy Table Writer Calculate BoxPlot Lines Calculate BoxPlot Lines Calculate BoxPlot Lines Download UTLAData (CSV) This workflow reads the latest Public Health England file for Covid-19 cases, parses the data, appends raw or weighted population and calculates case ratesacross Upper Tier Local Authorities in England (UTLAs). In addition, the daily cases are interpolated from cumulative reported values, a value for Rt (thereproduction rate) is estimated, and values are piecewise smoothed to remove noise and provide a time-series suitable for analysis and display.This workflow requires Covid-19 Deaths UK to provide an input table so that death data may be appended to the case statistics. That workflow is availablehere:https://hub.knime.com/diaazul/spaces/Public/latest/Covid-19/Covid-19%20Deaths%20UK%202020-04-21%20PA1 Create Region for London These components calculate lines representing limits of box lineplots - Median, Upper Quartile, Lower Quartile, Upper and Loweroutlier extents (Median +/- 1.5 * Interquartile range). AddPopulationConsolidateLondonNode 26London inTotalNode 49Node 166Export AllNode 216Node 237TidyRowIDNode 463Node 466PopulationsNode 468Node 516Read deathsInformationNode 518Node 533Export AllDaily Case RateRtCumulative Case Rate Joiner GroupBy ConstantValue Column CalculateCase Rates Calc Days PassedThreshold Incremental CSV Writer Piecewise Rt RowID Raw or weightedpopulation Add PopulationDensity ProcessDownloaded Data Table Creator Row Filter Concatenate ConstantValue Column Table Reader Joiner GroupBy Table Writer Calculate BoxPlot Lines Calculate BoxPlot Lines Calculate BoxPlot Lines Download UTLAData (CSV)


