
Challenge 22 - Pride

Challenge 22 - Pride
Just KNIME It! - Challenge 22: PrideEach question is answered over a dedicated graphQuestion 4 of Continent commonality of legality is more dynamic as it goes through 2 steps of selection:First - on which legality column to analyze?Second - Filtering the relevant values to analyze, usually the "Yes" value, but can select "No" or other.Third - Bar graph counting on each continent the leglity commonality. Node 1Node 7Node 8Node 9In what decade most countries decrim. homo.Node 12is decrim. becoming more commonWorld country and continentNode 26Show commonalityover continents CSV Reader Cell Splitter String To Number Math Formula Bar Chart Number To String Histogram is same-sexmarriage legal CSV Reader Joiner selecting columnto analyze Analyze accordingto selected column Bar Chart Just KNIME It! - Challenge 22: PrideEach question is answered over a dedicated graphQuestion 4 of Continent commonality of legality is more dynamic as it goes through 2 steps of selection:First - on which legality column to analyze?Second - Filtering the relevant values to analyze, usually the "Yes" value, but can select "No" or other.Third - Bar graph counting on each continent the leglity commonality. Node 1Node 7Node 8Node 9In what decade most countries decrim. homo.Node 12is decrim. becoming more commonWorld country and continentNode 26Show commonalityover continents CSV Reader Cell Splitter String To Number Math Formula Bar Chart Number To String Histogram is same-sexmarriage legal CSV Reader Joiner selecting columnto analyze Analyze accordingto selected column Bar Chart


