

Insert file/s path Canonical Representatives Standard Compounds Unsalted CanonicalRepresentatives Abstract compounds Filter Empty Mol BlockParse SDFNode 1279Node 1280Path of sdf.gz filesSanitasationNode 1283KekulizeNode 1286Node 1287Node 1288Create Folders and File Paths RDKit SubstructureFilter Canonical_Representatives SDF Reader Abstract_compounds Loop End List Files(deprecated) RDKit From Molecule Cache Dearomatizer Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) Errors_No_Structures Standardization Salt_Strip Standard_Compounds Java Edit Variable Insert file/s path Canonical Representatives Standard Compounds Unsalted CanonicalRepresentatives Abstract compounds Filter Empty Mol BlockParse SDFNode 1279Node 1280Path of sdf.gz filesSanitasationNode 1283KekulizeNode 1286Node 1287Node 1288Create Folders and File Paths RDKit SubstructureFilter Canonical_Representatives SDF Reader Abstract_compounds Loop End List Files(deprecated) RDKit From Molecule Cache Dearomatizer Table Row To VariableLoop Start (deprecated) Errors_No_Structures Standardization Salt_Strip Standard_Compounds Java Edit Variable


