Calculate payments and amortization

This component allows you to calculate the payments of a loan, entering the following:

- Present value of the loan
- Interest rate and how it is expressed (nominal or effective and its recurrency
- Periods in which the loan is payed


Input the interest rate
Enter 0.1 for a 10% interest rate
Present value of loan
Input the present value of the loan
How many payments will be done?
Input the number of payments for the loan
Define if the interest rate is nominal or effective
Una tasa nominal es aquella que no es ccompuesta, osea que no tiene en cuenta rendimientos sobre rendimientos.
The interest rate is expressed in which terms?
Enter the recurrency of the interest rate annual, biannual, quarterly, monthly or daily
How often are the payments done?
Notice that the periodicity can ve differnt to how the interest rate is expressed

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Loan data
Amotization table


