

Step 2: Data UnderstandingThese are various nodes/combinations of nodes that we used to gather a better understanding of the data and relationships among attributes. Please note that some nodes were used for morethan one function, so not every node used is included. Step 3: Data PreparationWe executed the following nodes to correct quality issues within the data set. Node 1Diversity based on EthnicityCoversion to % (int1rat)Conversion to % (int2rat)Round the decimal valueAvg. of interestAvg. of InterestRound the decimal valueClassification by GenderFilter for EnrollmentDiversity based on ResidencyClassificationb by Residencyoriginal statisticscorrecting missing valuesIdenify Outlierscorrecting inconsistent values in territorycorrecting outliersCoversion of Instate to Binarydiscretization of satscorediscretization of avg_incomecorrecting inconsistent values in territorycorrecting negative inconsistent value in intit_spanValidation for init_spanvalidation for outliersDrop attributesMailq vs enrollment File Reader Pie/Donut Chart Math Formula Math Formula Round Double GroupBy GroupBy Round Double Pie/Donut Chart Row Filter Pie/Donut Chart Pie/Donut Chart Statistics Missing Value Box Plot Cell Replacer Numeric Outliers Rule Engine Numeric Binner Numeric Binner Table Creator Numeric Outliers Box Plot Box Plot Column Filter ConditionalBox Plot Step 2: Data UnderstandingThese are various nodes/combinations of nodes that we used to gather a better understanding of the data and relationships among attributes. Please note that some nodes were used for morethan one function, so not every node used is included. Step 3: Data PreparationWe executed the following nodes to correct quality issues within the data set. Node 1Diversity based on EthnicityCoversion to % (int1rat)Conversion to % (int2rat)Round the decimal valueAvg. of interestAvg. of InterestRound the decimal valueClassification by GenderFilter for EnrollmentDiversity based on ResidencyClassificationb by Residencyoriginal statisticscorrecting missing valuesIdenify Outlierscorrecting inconsistent values in territorycorrecting outliersCoversion of Instate to Binarydiscretization of satscorediscretization of avg_incomecorrecting inconsistent values in territorycorrecting negative inconsistent value in intit_spanValidation for init_spanvalidation for outliersDrop attributesMailq vs enrollment File Reader Pie/Donut Chart Math Formula Math Formula Round Double GroupBy GroupBy Round Double Pie/Donut Chart Row Filter Pie/Donut Chart Pie/Donut Chart Statistics Missing Value Box Plot Cell Replacer Numeric Outliers Rule Engine Numeric Binner Numeric Binner Table Creator Numeric Outliers Box Plot Box Plot Column Filter ConditionalBox Plot


