

Execution Time

The metanode "Execution Time" calculates the difference between the first (up) variable node and the second (bottom) variable.

Example Workflow Execution Time metanodeThis metanode will get the time and date of execution of two nodes andcalculate de difference as the execution time.To set it up- Reset and connect a early node to the first input variable port.- Reset and connect a later node to the second input variable port.- Run "Execution Time" metanode.- No need to configure any variables. web request with3 seconds delaylist of websites(2 websites)Execution Time GET Request Table Creator Example Workflow Execution Time metanodeThis metanode will get the time and date of execution of two nodes andcalculate de difference as the execution time.To set it up- Reset and connect a early node to the first input variable port.- Reset and connect a later node to the second input variable port.- Run "Execution Time" metanode.- No need to configure any variables. web request with3 seconds delaylist of websites(2 websites)Execution Time GET Request Table Creator


