
JKI Season 3 - Challenge 1

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It's too boring to check date range manually solet's see number of rows for one company - it's≈1200 from 2018 to 2023 years so I guess thatone row is one trading day and we can cut offtime component from date for convenience Difference between price and Moving Average can indicate trend of stock so I decided to calculate mean difference for every stock and filter stocks which have positive differenceSo only for filtered stocks will be printed plot with price and MA and our client wouldn't need to check all plots originaldata491companiesNode 5removingtime partremovingtime parttake onecompamytaking onecompanytaking MAstring to datefor responsive plotmakingplotconvertingplotrenderingplotNode 21Node 22joining plotwith deltaNode 24filteringnull MAcomputingpersentage deldabetween MA andcloseconmputing mean percentage deltaNode 53filteringsuccessfullcompanytake onecompamyfiltering onecompanyNode 57Node 58 CSV Reader GroupBy Row Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Moving Average String to Date&Time Line Plot (Plotly) Image To Table Renderer to Image Image Writer(Table) Variable toTable Row Cross Joiner Loop End Row Filter Math Formula GroupBy Loop End Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Variable toTable Row Cross Joiner It's too boring to check date range manually solet's see number of rows for one company - it's≈1200 from 2018 to 2023 years so I guess thatone row is one trading day and we can cut offtime component from date for convenience Difference between price and Moving Average can indicate trend of stock so I decided to calculate mean difference for every stock and filter stocks which have positive differenceSo only for filtered stocks will be printed plot with price and MA and our client wouldn't need to check all plots originaldata491companiesNode 5removingtime partremovingtime parttake onecompamytaking onecompanytaking MAstring to datefor responsive plotmakingplotconvertingplotrenderingplotNode 21Node 22joining plotwith deltaNode 24filteringnull MAcomputingpersentage deldabetween MA andcloseconmputing mean percentage deltaNode 53filteringsuccessfullcompanytake onecompamyfiltering onecompanyNode 57Node 58CSV Reader GroupBy Row Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Moving Average String to Date&Time Line Plot (Plotly) Image To Table Renderer to Image Image Writer(Table) Variable toTable Row Cross Joiner Loop End Row Filter Math Formula GroupBy Loop End Row Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Row Filter Variable toTable Row Cross Joiner


