

Description: You would like to post a question on the KNIME forum, but you have confidential data that you cannot share. In this challenge youwill create a workflow which removes (or transforms) any columns that reveal anything confidential in your data (such as location, name,gender, etc.). After that, you should shuffle the remaining columns' rows such that each numeric column maintains its original statisticaldistribution but does not have a relationship with any other column. Rename these columns as well, such that in the end of your workflow theydo not have any specific meaning. Let's see an example: Before anonymization Row Name Fav_Num Muscle_Mass 0 Victor 7 10 1 Aline 3 20 2 Scott 42 30 After anonymization Row column column (#1) 0 3 30 1 42 10 2 7 20 Node 1Node 15Node 20Node 24Node 25Node 28Node 30Node 32Node 34Node 35 CSV Reader Number To String GroupBy Counter Generation Cell Replacer ExtractColumn Header Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Transpose Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Description: You would like to post a question on the KNIME forum, but you have confidential data that you cannot share. In this challenge youwill create a workflow which removes (or transforms) any columns that reveal anything confidential in your data (such as location, name,gender, etc.). After that, you should shuffle the remaining columns' rows such that each numeric column maintains its original statisticaldistribution but does not have a relationship with any other column. Rename these columns as well, such that in the end of your workflow theydo not have any specific meaning. Let's see an example: Before anonymization Row Name Fav_Num Muscle_Mass 0 Victor 7 10 1 Aline 3 20 2 Scott 42 30 After anonymization Row column column (#1) 0 3 30 1 42 10 2 7 20 Node 1Node 15Node 20Node 24Node 25Node 28Node 30Node 32Node 34Node 35CSV Reader Number To String GroupBy Counter Generation Cell Replacer ExtractColumn Header Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Transpose Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter


