
08 Database Data Manipulation - Solution

Exercise for manipulating data on a database.

Select a table on the database and aggregate and filter the data directly on the database.

In countries where life expectancy is at least 80 years, the most common travel risk category is 1: Exercises normal precautions in October 2020. Only two of these countries have the travel risk category 3: Reconsider travel in October 2020.

Exercise: Database Data Manipulation1) Execute the metanode below. It writes the joined table containing demographics,travel advisory, and geocoordinates information into a SQLite database. 2) Select the JoinedTable table on the database3) Calculate the number of rows (countries) in the database table4) Filter the table to countries where the maximum overall life expectancy is > 805) Calculate the numbers of countries with life expectancy >80 in each travel riskcategory. What is the most common category among these countries? How manycountries belong to the risk category 3 (Reconsider travel)? Count of rowsFilter rows where max LE> 80Counts by risk levels DB Table Selector DB GroupBy DB Row Filter DB GroupBy Write joineddata to database Exercise: Database Data Manipulation1) Execute the metanode below. It writes the joined table containing demographics,travel advisory, and geocoordinates information into a SQLite database. 2) Select the JoinedTable table on the database3) Calculate the number of rows (countries) in the database table4) Filter the table to countries where the maximum overall life expectancy is > 805) Calculate the numbers of countries with life expectancy >80 in each travel riskcategory. What is the most common category among these countries? How manycountries belong to the risk category 3 (Reconsider travel)? Count of rowsFilter rows where max LE> 80Counts by risk levelsDB Table Selector DB GroupBy DB Row Filter DB GroupBy Write joineddata to database


