
04.3. Execute deployed Workflow - solution

Execute deployed Workflow - solution

Solution to the "Execute deployed Workflow" exercise for the advanced Life Science User Training
- call deployed workflow
- visualize results
- web application

Executing a deployed workflow (on Webportal)This workflow demonstrates the execution of a deployed workflow that predicts bioactivity using binary fingerprints.If the workflow is run on the Webportal, the "user" is able to upload a file with Smiles and the data is processed andbioactivity predictions are made using the deployed workflow. The results are represented in an interactive visualizationon the Webportal. Step 1Use the Call Workflow (TableBased) node to use your deployedworkflow for the data preprocessingand prediction. Set the workflowpath to your deployed work named"04.2. deployed workflow". Renderer to Image Data Visualization Input Data Call Workflow(Table Based) Executing a deployed workflow (on Webportal)This workflow demonstrates the execution of a deployed workflow that predicts bioactivity using binary fingerprints.If the workflow is run on the Webportal, the "user" is able to upload a file with Smiles and the data is processed andbioactivity predictions are made using the deployed workflow. The results are represented in an interactive visualizationon the Webportal. Step 1Use the Call Workflow (TableBased) node to use your deployedworkflow for the data preprocessingand prediction. Set the workflowpath to your deployed work named"04.2. deployed workflow". Renderer to Image Data Visualization Input Data Call Workflow(Table Based)


