
Threshold independent detection and localization of diffraction-limited spots.

Automatically detects spots given a 2D, 3D, or 2D+T image. Note that prediction is only possible in 2D and no NMS is performed in case 3D images are provided.

Requires that you have python 3 installed on your system ( Models can be downloaded through the command line interface using `deepblink download` or custom trained using `deepblink train`.

An example using this node can be found here (


Perform Refinement
Check the box if a Gaussian-like profile should be fit over deepBlink's predicted spots. This generally does not improve performance but is more mathematically explainable.
Image Column
Column containing the image on which deepBlink should predict. Must be of type "IMG".
Refinement Radius (px)
Pixel radius around deepBlink's detected spots to perform a Gaussian-like profile fitting for 10 iterations.
deepBlink Model
Path to the deepBlink model for spot detection. Can be a custom-trained model using `deepblink train` or a pre-trained model downloadable using `deepblink download`.

Input Ports

Row with image on which should be predicted.

Output Ports

Pass through of all input images to facilitate downstream processing.
Table containing all detected spots with the following columns: - ("frame") slice/frame if a 3D or 2D+T image is provided - "spotID" as unique number for the each spot - "x, y" pixel coordinate location - "total_mass" is the total (sum) integrated brightness - "mean_mass" is the average (mean) brightness per pixel in the spot - "size" is the radius of gyration of its Gaussian-like profile - "ecc" is its eccentricity (where 0 is circular)


