

Market Basket Analysis: Building Association Rules

This workflow builds a recommandation engine for market basket analysis using the Borgelt version of the Apriori algorithm.

Exercise: Market Basket Analysis: Build Association RulesThis workflow reads transaction/basket data and product data. The goal is to extract association rules based on the transaction/basket data.1. Use the association Rule Learner (Borgelt) node to calculate the association rules with the following settings: - min. set size = 1 - min rule confidence = 10% - min support 2.52. Translate the product IDs in the antecedent collection and the consequence to product names by appliying the "Translate Product Ids to Product Names"metanode. Read dataTop: TransactionsBottom: ProductsTop: Association rulesBottom: Lookup table Products and Product Idswrite association rulesto a file Read HistoricalBasket Data Translate Product Idsto Product Names Table Writer Exercise: Market Basket Analysis: Build Association RulesThis workflow reads transaction/basket data and product data. The goal is to extract association rules based on the transaction/basket data.1. Use the association Rule Learner (Borgelt) node to calculate the association rules with the following settings: - min. set size = 1 - min rule confidence = 10% - min support 2.52. Translate the product IDs in the antecedent collection and the consequence to product names by appliying the "Translate Product Ids to Product Names"metanode. Read dataTop: TransactionsBottom: ProductsTop: Association rulesBottom: Lookup table Products and Product Idswrite association rulesto a file Read HistoricalBasket Data Translate Product Idsto Product Names Table Writer


