
Session_​03b_​demo_​multiple dimensions

Session_03b_demo_multiple dimensions
Read worldcities.xlsx fileCreate the Sunburst chart on the adult high dimensional dataset to illustrate thedata distribution on the population in different countries Read Iris fileCreate the multidimensional data evolution including:- sepal length- sepal width- petal length- petal width- on classes Iris featurespopulationAssigning colorsWorldcitiesIris ParallelCoordinates Plot Sunburst Chart Color Manager Excel Reader Excel Reader Read worldcities.xlsx fileCreate the Sunburst chart on the adult high dimensional dataset to illustrate thedata distribution on the population in different countries Read Iris fileCreate the multidimensional data evolution including:- sepal length- sepal width- petal length- petal width- on classes Iris featurespopulationAssigning colorsWorldcitiesIris ParallelCoordinates Plot Sunburst Chart Color Manager Excel Reader Excel Reader


